Setting your ENS Profile
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Written by Legitimate
Updated over a week ago

For most Legitimate powered items, the Tap by Legitimate experience includes the ability to show the details associated with your Ethereum Name Service (ENS) address.

Supported ENS Fields

email -
url -
avatar - http image urls only, eip155 NFT image not supported
description - text only
com.twitter - username from
com.github - username from
com.instagram - username from
com.discord - username#1234
com.linkedin - username from
org.telegram - username

Configuring your ENS Profile

Your ENS profile can be set in third-party applications such as Rainbow Wallet,, or directly within ENS Domains.

The profile utilizes TXT records within ENS and you will need to pay gas in order to configure these fields on the blockchain. These are also publicly viewable because it is on the blockchain so take caution when exposing your personal information.

Configuring in Ethereum Name Service

Open the ENS Domains Manager app and find your domain that you want to configure

Once you have found your domain and connected the wallet that has the permission to edit the domain settings, open the Edit Profile panel.

Once in the Edit Profile panel, you can set different social profiles and attributes.

Note that a few socials such as LinkedIn, Instagram, and Telegram will require you to add it via the Custom option. The key is the com.instagram or org.telegram in our list of supported fields above and the value should be the username.


If you updated your ENS profile, please allow for 15-30 minutes for your information to update. We rely on ENS indexers on The Graph to provide data and there is often indexing delays.

If the content is still not updated, double check that the information has been updated in the ENS Domains app and that the transaction was successfully processed on the Ethereum network.

Make sure your domain has been updated to the latest ENS resolver 0x231b0Ee14048e9dCcD1d247744d114a4EB5E8E63. If your domain requires upgrades, you will be prompted when you login to ENS.

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